From The Headmistress' Desk

From The Headmistress' Desk

My association with this 82 year old institution is of a very brief period of only 10 years and some months.The school has etched for itself a name in all these years, under the able guidance of some stalwarts and has gradually shaped into the Institution that we see today.To be associated with this school, is hence not merely a privilege but a constant challenge to prove oneself.I could never have achieved the little I have in this period, had it not been for my managing committee members, my teachers, my students, guardians and all the administrative heads, who have all stood as a pillar of strength during these days.I owe my sincere thanks to each one of them.

We, at Barasat Girls' High School constantly strive to provide our students the best education possible and help them in the process of becoming empowered individuals.Education, I consider, is LIFE itself. It is the surest way to offer an alternative, in a desperate situation. It helps give a child HOPE and makes her believe that we care for her, for her future.
I am deeply privileged to be in a position that allows me to interact with, question, listen to and observe children throughout their learning journeys. We work in partnership with parents and this partnership is viewed as essential to achieving our goals.
We warmly welcome you all to our school and thoroughly look forward to creating a positive and productive partnership between home and school life.